Today I am posting a creation made by my eldest granddaughter (7 next week).
It comes to something when she can create something better than me!

I have had "shingly" one again today. We spent the morning playing board games, and I suggested crafting this afternoon (as I have some birthday cards to make, and thought I could kill two birds with one stone so to speak) - "nah" was the reply.
After lunch she sat by the computer and said "what is this bit of paper Nanny?" to which I replied that I had been watching Michelle Marsden last night on Create and Craft and she was demonstrating a "fold" and that I had grabbed nearest bit of paper on the computer desk, and tried to follow the instructions to do it.
So Ellie wanted to have a go! I showed her the fold and away she went ! I explained that Michelle was showing a "star card/book". So we started off with plain white copier paper and then I found some old coloured copier paper, and we proceeded to make four more "folds" in different colours.
I didn't see the end of Michelle's demo - so we had to improvise on the cover - but I think Ellie's result is fantastic - far better than mine! Her binding to join the two bits of card that form the book - were some offcuts of a backing paper printed from a Joanna Sheen cd - crafters will understand that you don't throw offcuts away, when you have made a card!
She just decorated it with odds and ends out of my "Kanban" and Toppers Box.
I had nothing to do with the design. She chose her bits and layers them up. The blue flower on the back was a ready-made up one from a bag of floral bits - (can't even remember where they came from - possible Lakeland sale, as Ellie said her mum had a bag the same at home.) The "matching" blue flower on the front she made up herself from the same bag of flowers.
We took the pictures - and Ellie insisted on arranging the ribbons, before I took the photos - so that they "looked right!"
When Dawn arrived to pick her up later this afternoon - she thought it was fantastic! Ellie showed her how to do the folds, and took a template home so that her mum would know how to do it - and they are going to make some more at home.
Here are some more pictures:
The back:

Back and front together:

These two show the inside of the "book" . As we were only playing we used plain copier paper, although the original design was done with double-sided patterned paper. The second picture shows the fold a bit more clearly.

This is my effort - rubbish in comparison to the one that Ellie was making! although insides were same obviously!