Stretchy Chain Maille Bracelet |
This is my first attempt at a chain maille bracelet. It was a little more difficult than it looked when Sarah Millsop demonstrated it - or should I say a tad more fiddly. Need her to do some more shows so I can recap on the hints she gave (or search the recordings and see if it is still on the Skybox!). The white rings are made of rubber so the bracelet is "stretchy".
Some of you may know that I had a little "fall", or should I say trip over nothing yesterday, and have sprained/twisted my ankle and was feeling a bit sorry for myself, because I am in the middle of stripping wallpaper in the lounge, and this means everything is on hold for the moment; so I was pleased when my parcel arrived from Beader's Companion this morning with some bits to play with, including chain maille rings and an instruction book!
I needed this little cheering up as it looked as though I was going to be unable to venture into town today for our annual Autumn Festival, and join my daughter and granddaughter for our "annual ride" on the gallopers. I don't "DO" fairground rides as a rule, but I love the old fashioned steam carousel and its music - yes I am a big kid at heart, and could quite easily ride them all day! (When my mum was alive it used to be 4 generations up on the gallopers - she was 92 the last time she came with us!)
Well, I did manage to get there as my husband drove me down at lunchtime, as my daughter rang to say the local council are going to stop the Festival (it has been going about 15+ years) and if I wanted a ride I had better get down to town. Now you have to imagine the picture of this poor old girl on her crutches wanting to ride the gallopers! Still with the family's help I managed to get on the ride, and then again with their help, and the help of the lad taking the money on the ride, I managed to get off again - which is always the most difficult! We were chatting to the people running the Carousel, and they hadn't heard that this would probably be their last year. It will be such a shame if it ceases - the town was heaving with families all enjoying themselves.
So having ventured out on the dodgy ankle, I have been good for the remainder of the day and rested said ankle and played with my goodies!
Wearing the Bracelet |
I have now started a chain maille necklace - which I can report is much easier than the bracelet - so with a bit of luck will be able to post a piccie of that tomorrow, and as I am "confined to barracks" as they say, I may even get to play with some other bits.
thanks for dropping by.