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Wednesday 29 May 2019

Good old fashioned baking!

meat and veg pie

A bit of old fashioned baking the other day.  I decided to cook up some mince for tea, and I tend to batch cook when I did this - so I ended up cooking a batch of mince and various  mixed vegetables.  I had a portion for my dinner, but whilst it was cooking I knocked up a quick batch of pastry and made a meat and veg pie from the remaining mince - that will do me 8 meals over the next few weeks!

Of course there was some pastry leftover - so I made a few jam tarts - they may not look fancy but remind me of the ones my mum used to make.    There was also still a bit of pastry left, so I made a handful of cheese straws!   (Waste not, want not.   My husband was always pleased when I made any pastry as he knew he would get jam tarts with the leftover pastry, but I would never set out to make jam tarts!  )

little jam tarts and some cheese straws

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