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Friday 5 June 2020

My First Acrylic Panting

Today I painted along with a Facebook like given by "The Cheese and Wine Painting Club"  .  It was about and hour and a quarter of fast painting in acrylic, and we attempted to produce Monet's Footbridge in acrylic paint.

Yes I use acrylics, and yes I have tried watercolour painting, but have never tried painting in acrylics on canvas.

This painting was my nemesis at school.  I can remember having to paint this using the old powder paints housed in an old bun time!  (Who is old enough to remember that?)  I think it was reproducing the painting that decided whether we were good enough to continue with art - needless to say I failed miserably.

So ...... although it is by no means perfect ....... you can recognise what it is meant to be, and "ya boo sucks" to my old teacher - I can now draw and paint!  If only she had been able to teach us the techniques that I am learning now.

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