I treated myself to a Galactic Plastic Kit for a Christmas present to myself. I finally got to play with it, having felt under the weather with this grotty virus that is doing the rounds!
Preparing the slithers of plastic in the chosen finding |
Starting the melting process with the carrier on the warming plate |
The finished finding - swirled and glitter added |
I then had a play with the plastic trying to recreate a flower with petals cut by hand. I also dragged the centre out.
A "freehand" flower |
In my craft stash I had some Friendly Plastic from many years ago, that I had never played with, so I thought I would experiment with some slithers. I cut three random shapes and melted them together. I then made a hole in the centre (well centre-ish - blame the eyes for that one) I then reheated it and squashed it between two carriers, which made it slightly larger, and as you can see it took the imprint of the carrier mats.
The Galactic Plastic is a lot easier to use (and cut) than the old Friendly Plastic, and does not have the black backing that the Friendly does. It can be reheated and mixed and rolled to create new colours, and I am quite liking it. The warming plate together with the carrier sheets are very easy to use. It can also be cut with metallic shapes when warm, and also moulded into shapes, as well as adhering directly on to cards.
I am looking forward to some more experimentation.